Sarans Pet Hospital

Our Success Stories...

Sarath k

I recommend the doctor It is a wonderful clinic. The facilities, cleanliness are commendable. A very pet friendly and animal lovers clinic with lovely quotes and thoughts all around the clinic which enhances the overall atmosphere. Pet products are displayed for sale with good quality and affordable price makes life quite convenient for the owners. All the staffs are quite sincere and are dependable. I am quite happy and proud to have a Pet clinic of this quality in Coimbatore.

Jagathish K

Excellent Doctor who is professionally sound, gives personal attention and time. We completely trust this hospital incl the support staff and behaved with positive attitude.

Mangani lalitha

The Clinic gives a very Professional and calming atmosphere and the doctors give special attention for pets with bed facilities and the staff team works hard to maintain the best service.

Vijayasri N

Dr. Krishnakumar who has started this clinic is our sole physician, guide & care taker of all our pets (4 dogs ) at home. An excellent , dedicated veterinarian who dares to think out of the box if the situation warrants , to save an animal. Naturally, his clinic .must be one of the safest places for aninals to get treated to regain their well being. Hope & wish DR. Krishnakumar all the very best to extend his valuable expeience & knowledge he has acquired to as many beings as possible. He has to be supported to prove his versatile capability to the society